Source code for brainspace.vtk_interface.pipeline

Pipeline for VTK filters.

# Author: Oualid Benkarim <>
# License: BSD 3 clause

from .decorators import wrap_input
from .wrappers.algorithm import BSAlgorithm
from .wrappers.data_object import BSDataObject

# From
# Outputs are referred to by port number while
# inputs are referred to by both their port number and connection number
# (because a single input port can have more than one connection)

[docs]@wrap_input(0, 1) def connect(ftr0, ftr1, port0=0, port1=0, add_conn=False): """Connection of two filters. Connects the output port `port0` of filter `ftr0` with the input port `port1` of filter `ftr1`. Parameters ---------- ftr0 : vtkAlgorithm, vtkDataSet, BSAlgorithm or BSDataSet The input filter. May be a filter or dataset. ftr1 : vtkAlgorithm or BSAlgorithm The output filter. port0 : int, optional Output port of `ftr0`. Not used if `ftr0` is a dataset. Default is 0. port1 : int, optional Input port of `ftr1`. Default is 0. add_conn : bool or int, optional Connect to specific connection of `port1`. If False, use `SetInputConnection` or `SetInputData` (all other added connections to `port1` are removed). Otherwise, use `AddInputConnection` or `AddInputData`. If int, add to given connection (e.g., `SetInputConnectionByNumber` or `SetInputDataByNumber`). Only used if `port1` accepts more than one connection (i.e., repeatable). Default is False. Returns ------- ftr1 : BSAlgorithm Returns (wrapped) `frt1` after connecting it with the input filter. """ if isinstance(ftr0, BSAlgorithm) and port0 >= ftr0.nop: raise ValueError("'{0}' only has {1} output ports.". format(ftr0.__vtkname__, ftr0.nop)) if port1 >= ftr1.nip: raise ValueError("'{0}' only accepts {1} input ports.". format(ftr1.__vtkname__, ftr1.nip)) if add_conn is True or type(add_conn) == int: if ftr1.nip > 1: raise ValueError("No support yet for 'add_conn' when filter " "has more than 1 input ports.") pinfo = ftr1.GetInputPortInformation(port1) if pinfo.Get(ftr1.INPUT_IS_REPEATABLE()) == 0: raise ValueError("Input port {0} of '{1}' does not " "accept multiple connections.". format(ftr1.nip, ftr1.__vtkname__)) if type(add_conn) == int: if not hasattr(ftr1, 'GetUserManagedInputs') or \ ftr1.GetUserManagedInputs() == 0: raise ValueError("Input port {0} of '{1}' does not accept " "connection number." .format(ftr1.nip, ftr1.__vtkname__)) if isinstance(ftr0, BSAlgorithm): op = ftr0.GetOutputPort(port0) if add_conn is True: # Connection for only 1 input port. Not tested. ftr1.AddInputConnection(port1, op) elif type(add_conn) == int: # Connection for only 1 input port. Not tested. ftr1.SetInputConnectionByNumber(add_conn, op) else: ftr1.SetInputConnection(port1, op) elif isinstance(ftr0, BSDataObject): ftr0 = ftr0.VTKObject if add_conn is True: ftr1.AddInputData(ftr0) elif type(add_conn) == int: ftr1.SetInputDataByNumber(add_conn, ftr0) else: ftr1.SetInputDataObject(port1, ftr0) else: raise ValueError('Unknown input filter type: {0}'.format(type(ftr0))) return ftr1
[docs]@wrap_input(0) def to_data(ftr, port=0): """Extract data from filter. Parameters ---------- ftr : vtkAlgorithm or :class:`.BSAlgorithm` Input filter. port : int, optional Port to get data from. When port is -1, refers to all ports. Default is 0. Returns ------- data : BSDataObject or list of BSDataObject Returns the output of the filter. If port is -1 and number of output ports > 1, then return list of outputs. Notes ----- Filters are automatically updated to get the output. """ list_ports = [port] if port > -1 else range(ftr.nop) n_ports = len(list_ports) out = [None] * n_ports for i, port_id in enumerate(list_ports): ftr.Update(port_id) out[i] = ftr.GetOutputDataObject(port_id) if port > -1: return out[0] return out
[docs]@wrap_input(0) def get_output(ftr, as_data=True, update=True, port=0): """Get output from filter. Parameters ---------- ftr : vtkAlgorithm or :class:`.BSAlgorithm` Input filter. as_data : bool, optional Return data as BSDataObject instead of :class:`.BSAlgorithm`. If True, the filter is automatically updated. Default is True. update : bool, optional Update filter. Only used when `as_data` is False. Default is True. port : int or None, optional Output port to update or get data from. Only used when input is vtkAlgorithm. When port is -1, refers to all ports. When None, call Update() with no arguments. Not used, when `ftr` is a sink (i.e., 0 output ports), call Update(). Default is 0. Returns ------- poly : BSAlgorithm or BSDataObject Returns filter or its output. If port is -1, returns all outputs in a list if ``as_data == True``. """ if as_data: return to_data(ftr, port=port) if update: if port is None or ftr.is_sink: try: ftr.Write() except AttributeError: ftr.Update() elif port > -1: ftr.Update(port) else: # In vtkAlgorithm.cxx, lines 1474-1482 # vtkAlgorithm()->Update() defaults to vtkExecutive()->Update(0) # if the number of output ports of the algorithm > 0. Otherwise, # vtkExecutive()->Update(-1) # In vtkExecutive.cxx lines 310-318, is the same # In vtkDemandDrivenPipeline.cxx, NeedToExecuteData function, # lines 1051-1064 # if(outputPort >= 0) Update port outputPort! # // No port is specified. Check all ports. # for(int i=0; i < this->Algorithm->GetNumberOfOutputPorts(); ++i) # When No input port is specified, they go through all ports # Update individually, just in case for i in range(ftr.nop): ftr.Update(i) return ftr
def _map_input_filter(f): if not isinstance(f, (list, tuple)): return f, 0 # assume is only filter if isinstance(f, list): f = tuple(f) if len(f) == 1: # (fn,) f += (0,) elif len(f) > 2: raise ValueError('Cannot recognize input filter {0}.'.format(f)) return f def _map_output_filter(f): if not isinstance(f, (list, tuple)): return False, 0, f # assume is only filter if isinstance(f, list): f = tuple(f) if len(f) == 1: # (fn,) f = (False, 0) + f elif len(f) == 2: # (ip, fn) f = (False,) + f elif len(f) > 3: raise ValueError('Cannot recognize input filter {0}.'.format(f)) return f def _map_intermediate_filter(f): if not isinstance(f, (list, tuple)): return False, 0, f, 0 # assume is only filter if isinstance(f[-1], int): # (..., op) return _map_output_filter(f[:-1]) + (f[-1],) return _map_output_filter(f) + (0,)
[docs]def serial_connect(*filters, as_data=True, update=True, port=0): """Connect filters serially. Parameters ---------- *filters : sequence of tuple or list Input filters to serially connect. Each input takes one of the following formats: #. First filter in sequence: ``(f0, op=0)`` * `f0` (vtkAlgorithm, :class:`.BSAlgorithm`, vtkDataObject or :class:`.BSDataObject`) - This is the first filter. * `op` (int, optional) - This is the output port of `f0`. Default is 0. #. Last filter in sequence: ``(ic=None, ip=0, fn)`` * `ic` (int, optional) - This is the input connection of the input port `ip` of filter `fn`. Default is None. * `ip` (int, optional) - This is the input port of `fn`. Must be specified when `ic` is not None. Default is 0. * `fn` (vtkAlgorithm or :class:`.BSAlgorithm`) - This is the last filter. #. Intermediate filters: ``(ic=None, ip=0, fi, op=0)`` * `ic` (int, optional) - This is the input connection of the input port `ip` of filter `fi`. Default is None. * `ip` (int, optional) - This is the input port of `fi`. Must be specified when `ic` is not None. Default is 0. * `fi` (vtkAlgorithm or :class:`.BSAlgorithm`) - This is a filter. * `op` (int, optional) - This is the output port of `fi`. Default is 0. as_data : bool, optional Return data instead of filter. If True, last filter is automatically updated. Default is True. update : bool, optional Update last filter. Only used when ``as_data == False``. Default is True. port : int, optional Port to update or get data from. When port is -1, refers to all ports. Default is 0. Returns ------- output : BSAlgorithm or BSDataObject Last filter or its output. Examples -------- In VTK: >>> # point source >>> ps = vtk.vtkPointSource() >>> ps.SetNumberOfPoints(100) >>> # delauny >>> dn = vtk.vtkDelaunay2D() >>> dn.SetTolerance(0.01) >>> dn.SetInputConnection(0, ps.GetOutputPort(0)) >>> # smooth >>> sf = vtk.vtkWindowedSincPolyDataFilter() >>> sf.SetInputConnection(0, dn.GetOutputPort(0)) >>> sf.SetNumberOfIterations(20) >>> # update and get output >>> sf.Update() >>> sf.GetOutput(0) (vtkCommonDataModelPython.vtkPolyData)0x7f0134fffb28 With `serial_connect` function: >>> from brainspace.vtk_interface.pipeline import serial_connect >>> # point source >>> ps = vtk.vtkPointSource() >>> ps.SetNumberOfPoints(100) >>> # delauny >>> dn = vtk.vtkDelaunay2D() >>> dn.SetTolerance(0.01) >>> # smooth >>> sf = vtk.vtkWindowedSincPolyDataFilter() >>> sf.SetNumberOfIterations(20) >>> # Connection >>> serial_connect((ps, 0), (None, 0, dn, 0), (None, 0, sf), as_data=True, ... port=0) <brainspace.vtk_interface.wrappers.BSPolyData at 0x7f0134efb048> >>> # This can be shortened, since no input connection is needed >>> serial_connect((ps, 0), (0, dn, 0), (0, sf), as_data=True, port=0) <brainspace.vtk_interface.wrappers.BSPolyData at 0x7f0134ee9128> >>> # And shortened even further since the default input and output >>> # ports are 0 >>> serial_connect((ps,), (dn,), (sf,), as_data=True, port=0) <brainspace.vtk_interface.wrappers.BSPolyData at 0x7f0134ee92b0> >>> # This is the same >>> serial_connect(ps, dn, sf) <brainspace.vtk_interface.wrappers.BSPolyData at 0x7f0134eee898> """ prev_f, prev_op = _map_input_filter(filters[0]) for i, f1 in enumerate(filters[1:-1]): ic, ip, fi, op = _map_intermediate_filter(f1) prev_f = connect(prev_f, fi, port0=prev_op, port1=ip, add_conn=ic) prev_op = op ic, ip, fo = _map_output_filter(filters[-1]) fo = connect(prev_f, fo, port0=prev_op, port1=ip, add_conn=ic) return get_output(fo, as_data=as_data, update=update, port=port)