

Combines two surfaces into a single surface (source code).


SC = combine_surfaces(S1,S2);
SC = combine_surfaces(S1,S2,format);
  • S1, S2: two surfaces
  • format: the output format; either ‘SurfStat’ (default) or ‘MATLAB’.
  • S: Combined surface.


This can be used to merge left and right hemisphere surfaces into a single surface. The input surfaces can be any file readable by read_surface or a surface loaded into memory.

A MATLAB structure consists of two fields: vertices, which is a n-by-3 list of vertex coordinates, and faces, which is a m-by-3 matrix of triangles. A SurfStat format consists of two fields: coord, which is a 3-by-n list of vertex coordinates, and tri, which is identical to faces.