
class brainspace.null_models.variogram.SurrogateMaps(deltas=None, kernel='exp', pv=25, nh=25, resample=False, b=None, n_rep=100, random_state=None)[source]

Spatial autocorrelation-preserving surrogate brain maps.

  • deltas (1D ndarray or List[float], optional) – Proportion of neighbors to include for smoothing, in (0, 1] Default is [0.1,0.2,…,0.9].
  • kernel (str, optional) –
    Kernel with which to smooth permuted maps:
    ’gaussian’ : Gaussian function. ‘exp’ : Exponential decay function. ‘invdist’ : Inverse distance. ‘uniform’ : Uniform weights (distance independent).

    Default is ‘exp’.

  • pv (int, optional) – Percentile of the pairwise distance distribution at which to truncate during variogram fitting. Default is 25.
  • nh (int, optional) – Number of uniformly spaced distances at which to compute variogram. Default is 25.
  • resample (bool, optional) – Resample surrogate maps’ values from target brain map. Default is False.
  • b (float or None, optional) – Gaussian kernel bandwidth for variogram smoothing. If None, set to three times the spacing between variogram x-coordinates. Default is None.
  • n_rep (int, optional) – Number of randomizations (i.e., surrogate maps). Default is 100.
  • random_state (int or None, optional) – Random state. Default is None.


Passing resample=True preserves the distribution of values in the target map, with the possibility of worsening the simulated surrogate maps’ variograms fits.

__init__(deltas=None, kernel='exp', pv=25, nh=25, resample=False, b=None, n_rep=100, random_state=None)[source]

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.


__init__([deltas, kernel, pv, nh, resample, …]) Initialize self.
compute_variogram(x) Compute variogram values (i.e., one-half squared pairwise differences).
fit(dist) Prepare data for sorrugate map generation..
get_params([deep]) Get parameters for this estimator.
permute_map(x) Return randomly permuted brain map.
randomize(x[, n_rep]) Generate surrogate maps from x.
regress(x, y) Linearly regress x onto y.
set_params(**params) Set the parameters of this estimator.
smooth_map(x, delta) Smooth x using delta proportion of nearest neighbors.
smooth_variogram(v[, return_h]) Smooth a variogram.


h distances at which smoothed variogram is computed

Compute variogram values (i.e., one-half squared pairwise differences).

Parameters:x (1D ndarray) – Brain map scalar array
Returns:v (ndarray, shape (N(N-1)/2,)) – Variogram y-coordinates, i.e. 0.5 * (x_i - x_j) ^ 2

Prepare data for sorrugate map generation..

Parameters:dist (filename or ndarray, shape (N,N)) – Pairwise (geodesic) distance matrix.
Returns:self (object) – Returns self.

distances at which smoothed variogram is computed

Type:1D ndarray

Return randomly permuted brain map.

Parameters:x (1D masked ndarray) – Brain map scalars
Returns:1D ndarray – Random permutation of target brain map
randomize(x, n_rep=None)[source]

Generate surrogate maps from x.

  • x (filename or 1D ndarray) – Target brain map
  • n_rep (int or None, optional) – Number of surrogates maps to randomly generate. If None, use the default n_rep.

output (ndarray, shape = (n_rep, n_verts)) – Randomly generated map(s) with matched spatial autocorrelation.

regress(x, y)[source]

Linearly regress x onto y.

  • x (1D ndarray) – Independent variable
  • y (1D ndarray) – Dependent variable

  • alpha (float) – Intercept term (offset parameter)
  • beta (float) – Regression coefficient (scale parameter)
  • res (float) – Sum of squared residuals

smooth_map(x, delta)[source]

Smooth x using delta proportion of nearest neighbors.

  • x (1D ndarray) – Brain map scalars
  • delta (float) – Proportion of neighbors to include for smoothing, in (0, 1)

1D ndarray – Smoothed brain map

smooth_variogram(v, return_h=False)[source]

Smooth a variogram.

  • v (1D ndarray) – Variogram values, i.e. 0.5 * (x_i - x_j) ^ 2
  • return_h (bool, default False) – Return distances at which the smoothed variogram was computed

  • 1D ndarray, shape (nh,) – Smoothed variogram values
  • 1D ndarray, shape (nh,) – Distances at which smoothed variogram was computed (returned only if return_h is True)


ValueError : v has unexpected size.