Source code for brainspace.null_models.spin

Implementation of Spin permutations.

# Author: Oualid Benkarim <>
# License: BSD 3 clause

import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import linear_sum_assignment
from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist
from scipy.spatial import KDTree

from sklearn.utils import check_random_state
from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator

from ..vtk_interface.wrappers import BSPolyData
from ..mesh import mesh_elements as me

def _generate_spins(points_lh, points_rh=None, unique=False, n_rep=100,
                    random_state=None, surface_algorithm='FreeSurfer'):
    """ Generate rotational spins based on points that lie on a sphere.

    points_lh : BSPolyData or ndarray, shape = (n_lh, 3)
        Array of points in a sphere, where `n_lh` is the number of points.
    points_rh : BSPolyData or ndarray, shape = (n_rh, 3), optional
        Array of points in a sphere, where `n_rh` is the number of points. If
        provided, rotations are derived from the rotations computed for
        `points_lh` by reflecting the rotation matrix across the Y-Z plane.
        Default is None.
    unique : bool, optional
        Whether to enforce a one-to-one correspondence between original points
        and rotated ones. If true, the Hungarian algorithm is used.
        Default is False.
    n_rep : int, optional
        Number of random rotations. Default is 100.
    surface_algorithm : {'FreeSurfer', 'CIVET'}
        For 'CIVET', no flip is required to generate the spins for the right
        hemisphere. Only used when ``points_rh is not None``.
        Default is 'FreeSurfer'.
    random_state : int or None, optional
        Random state. Default is None.

    result : dict[str, ndarray]
        Spin indices for left points (and also right, if provided).

    * Alexander-Bloch A, Shou H, Liu S, Satterthwaite TD, Glahn DC,
      Shinohara RT, Vandekar SN and Raznahan A (2018). On testing for spatial
      correspondence between maps of human brain structure and function.
      NeuroImage, 178:540-51.
    * Blaser R and Fryzlewicz P (2016). Random Rotation Ensembles.
      Journal of Machine Learning Research, 17(4): 1–26.


    # Handle if user provides spheres
    if not isinstance(points_lh, np.ndarray):
        points_lh = me.get_points(points_lh)

    if points_rh is not None:
        if not isinstance(points_rh, np.ndarray):
            points_rh = me.get_points(points_rh)

    pts = {'lh': points_lh}
    if points_rh is not None:
        pts['rh'] = points_rh

        # for reflecting across Y-Z plane
        reflect = np.array([[-1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]])

    idx = {k: np.arange(p.shape[0]) for k, p in pts.items()}
    spin = {k: np.empty((n_rep, p.shape[0]), dtype=int)
            for k, p in pts.items()}
    if not unique:
        # tree = {k: cKDTree(p, leafsize=20) for k, p in pts.items()}
        tree = {k: KDTree(p, leafsize=20) for k, p in pts.items()}

    rs = check_random_state(random_state)

    rot = {}
    for i in range(n_rep):

        # generate rotation for left
        rot['lh'], temp = np.linalg.qr(rs.normal(size=(3, 3)))
        rot['lh'] *= np.sign(np.diag(temp))
        rot['lh'][:, 0] *= np.sign(np.linalg.det(rot['lh']))

        # reflect the left rotation across Y-Z plane
        if 'rh' in pts:
            if surface_algorithm.lower() == 'freesurfer':
                rot['rh'] = reflect @ rot['lh'] @ reflect
                rot['rh'] = rot['lh']

        for k, p in pts.items():
            if unique:
                dist = cdist(p, p @ rot[k])
                row, col = linear_sum_assignment(dist)
                spin[k][i, idx[k]] = idx[k][col]
                _, spin[k][i] = tree[k].query(p @ rot[k], k=1)

    return spin

[docs]def spin_permutations(spheres, data, unique=False, n_rep=100, random_state=None, surface_algorithm='FreeSurfer'): """ Generate null data using spin permutations. Parameters ---------- spheres : dict[str, ndarray or BSPolyData], BSPolyData or ndarray Dictionary of points in a sphere, for left ('lh' key) and right ('rh' key) hemispheres. The right hemisphere is optional. If provided, rotations are derived from the rotations computed for `points_lh` by reflecting the rotation matrix across the Y-Z plane. data : dict[str, ndarray] or ndarray Dictionary of data to randomize. Array of variables arranged in columns for each hemisphere. unique : bool, optional Whether to enforce a one-to-one correspondence between original points and rotated ones. If true, the Hungarian algorithm is used. Default is False. n_rep : int, optional Number of random rotations. Default is 100. surface_algorithm : {'FreeSurfer', 'CIVET'} For 'CIVET', no flip is required to generate the spins for the right hemisphere. Only used when ``points_rh is not None``. Default is 'FreeSurfer'. random_state : int or None, optional Random state. Default is None. Returns ------- rand_lh : ndarray, shape = (n_rep, n_lh, n_feat) Permutations of data in left hemisphere. rand_rh : ndarray, shape = (n_rep, n_rh, n_feat) Permutations of data in right hemisphere. Only if right data and sphere are provided. See Also -------- :class:`.SpinPermutations` References ---------- * Alexander-Bloch A, Shou H, Liu S, Satterthwaite TD, Glahn DC, Shinohara RT, Vandekar SN and Raznahan A (2018). On testing for spatial correspondence between maps of human brain structure and function. NeuroImage, 178:540-51. * Blaser R and Fryzlewicz P (2016). Random Rotation Ensembles. Journal of Machine Learning Research, 17(4): 1–26. * """ if isinstance(data, np.ndarray): data = {'lh': data} if isinstance(spheres, BSPolyData) or isinstance(spheres, np.ndarray): spheres = {'lh': spheres} if data.keys() != spheres.keys(): raise ValueError("Keys for data and spheres do not coincide.") if len(data) > 2: raise ValueError("Unknown keys. Possible keys: {'lh', 'rh'}.") if len(data) == 1 and 'lh' not in data.keys(): raise ValueError("Key must be 'lh'.") elif len(data) == 2 and ('lh' not in data or 'rh' not in data): raise ValueError("Unknown keys. Possible keys: {'lh', 'rh'}.") points_lh = spheres['lh'] points_rh = spheres.pop('rh', None) spin_idx = _generate_spins(points_lh, points_rh=points_rh, unique=unique, n_rep=n_rep, random_state=random_state, surface_algorithm=surface_algorithm) spin_lh = spin_idx['lh'] spin_rh = spin_idx.pop('rh', None) x_lh = data['lh'] rand_lh = x_lh[spin_lh] if spin_rh is None: return rand_lh x_rh = data.pop('rh', None) rand_rh = None if x_rh is not None: rand_rh = x_rh[spin_rh] return rand_lh, rand_rh
[docs]class SpinPermutations(BaseEstimator): """ Spin permutations. Parameters ---------- unique : bool, optional Whether to enforce a one-to-one correspondence between original points and rotated ones. If True, the Hungarian algorithm is used. Default is False. n_rep : int, optional Number of randomizations. Default is 100. random_state : int or None, optional Random state. Default is None. surface_algorithm : {'FreeSurfer', 'CIVET'} For 'CIVET', no flip is required to generate the spins for the right hemisphere. Only used when ``points_rh is not None``. Default is 'FreeSurfer'. Attributes ---------- spin_lh_ : ndarray, shape (n_rep, n_lh) Spin indices for points in left hemisphere. spin_rh_ : ndarray, shape (n_rep, n_rh) Spin indices for points in right hemisphere. Only if user provides right hemisphere points. None, otherwise. See Also -------- :func:`.spin_permutations` :class:`.MoranRandomization` Notes ----- Right hemisphere permutations are generated by reflecting the rotation matrix used for the left hemisphere. """
[docs] def __init__(self, unique=False, n_rep=100, random_state=None, surface_algorithm='FreeSurfer'): self.unique = unique self.n_rep = n_rep self.random_state = random_state self.surface_algorithm = surface_algorithm
[docs] def fit(self, points_lh, points_rh=None): """ Compute spin indices by random rotation. Parameters ---------- points_lh : BSPolyData or ndarray, shape = (n_lh, 3) Sphere for the left hemisphere. If ndarray, each row must represent a vertex in the sphere. points_rh : BSPolyData or ndarray, shape = (n_rh, 3), optional Sphere for the right hemisphere. If ndarray, row must represent a vertex in the sphere. Default is None. Returns ------- self : object Returns self. """ spin_idx = _generate_spins(points_lh, points_rh=points_rh, unique=self.unique, n_rep=self.n_rep, random_state=self.random_state, surface_algorithm=self.surface_algorithm) self.spin_lh_ = spin_idx['lh'] self.spin_rh_ = spin_idx.pop('rh', None) return self
[docs] def randomize(self, x_lh, x_rh=None): """ Generate random samples from `x_lh` and `x_rh`. Parameters ---------- x_lh : ndarray, shape = (n_lh,) or (n_lh, n_feat) Array of variables arranged in columns, where `n_feat` is the number of variables. x_rh : ndarray, shape = (n_rh,) or (n_rh, n_feat), optional Array of variables arranged in columns for the right hemisphere. Default is None. Returns ------- rand_lh : ndarray, shape = (n_rep, n_lh, n_feat) Permutations of `x_lh`. If ``n_feat == 1``, shape = (n_rep, n_lh). rand_lh : ndarray, shape = (n_rep, n_rh, n_feat) Permutations of `x_rh`. If ``n_feat == 1``, shape = (n_rep, n_rh). None if `x_rh` is None. Only if `spin_rh_` is not None. See Also -------- :func:`.SpinPermutations.randomize_gen` """ rand_lh = x_lh[self.spin_lh_] if self.spin_rh_ is None: return rand_lh rand_rh = None if x_rh is not None: rand_rh = x_rh[self.spin_rh_] return rand_lh, rand_rh
[docs] def randomize_gen(self, x_lh, x_rh=None): """ Generate random samples from `x_lh` and `x_rh`. This is the generator version of :func:`.SpinPermutations.randomize`. Parameters ---------- x_lh : ndarray, shape = (n_lh,) or (n_lh, n_feat) Array of variables arranged in columns, where `n_feat` is the number of variables. x_rh : ndarray, shape = (n_rh,) or (n_rh, n_feat), optional Array of variables arranged in columns for the right hemisphere. Default is None. Yields ------- rand_lh : ndarray, shape = (n_lh, n_feat) Permutation of `x_lh`. If ``n_feat == 1``, shape = (n_lh,). rand_lh : ndarray, shape = (n_rh, n_feat) Permutation of `x_rh`. If ``n_feat == 1``, shape = (n_rh,). None if `x_rh` is None. Only if `spin_rh_` is not None. See Also -------- :func:`.SpinPermutations.randomize` """ for i in range(self.n_rep): rand_lh = x_lh[self.spin_lh_[i]] if self.spin_rh_ is not None and x_rh is not None: rand_rh = x_rh[self.spin_rh_[i]] yield rand_lh, rand_rh else: yield rand_lh