Source code for brainspace.null_models.moran

Implementation of Moran spectral randomization.

# Author: Oualid Benkarim <>
# License: BSD 3 clause

import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse as ssp
from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist

from sklearn.utils import check_random_state
from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator

from ..mesh import mesh_elements as me
from ..gradient.utils import is_symmetric, make_symmetric

[docs]def compute_mem(w, n_ring=1, spectrum='nonzero', tol=1e-10): """ Compute Moran eigenvectors map. Parameters ---------- w : BSPolyData, ndarray or sparse matrix, shape = (n_vertices, n_vertices) Spatial weight matrix or surface. If surface, the weight matrix is built based on the inverse geodesic distance between each vertex and the vertices in its `n_ring`. n_ring : int, optional Neighborhood size to build the weight matrix. Only used if user provides a surface mesh. Default is 1. spectrum : {'all', 'nonzero'}, optional Eigenvalues/vectors to select. If 'all', recover all eigenvectors except the smallest one. Otherwise, select all except non-zero eigenvectors. Default is 'nonzero'. tol : float, optional Minimum value for an eigenvalue to be considered non-zero. Default is 1e-10. Returns ------- w : 1D ndarray, shape (n_components,) Eigenvalues in descending order. With ``n_components = n_vertices - 1`` if ``spectrum == 'all'`` and ``n_components = n_vertices - n_zero`` if ``spectrum == 'nonzero'``, and `n_zero` is number of zero eigenvalues. mem : 2D ndarray, shape (n_vertices, n_components) Eigenvectors of the weight matrix in same order. See Also -------- :func:`.moran_randomization` :class:`.MoranRandomization` References ---------- * Wagner H.H. and Dray S. (2015). Generating spatially constrained null models for irregularly spaced data using Moran spectral randomization methods. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 6(10):1169-78. """ if spectrum not in ['all', 'nonzero']: raise ValueError("Unknown autocor '{0}'.".format(spectrum)) # If surface is provided instead of affinity if not (isinstance(w, np.ndarray) or ssp.issparse(w)): w = me.get_ring_distance(w, n_ring=n_ring, metric='geodesic') **= -1 # inverse of distance # w /= np.nansum(w, axis=1, keepdims=True) # normalize rows if not is_symmetric(w): w = make_symmetric(w, check=False, sparse_format='coo') # Doubly centering weight matrix if ssp.issparse(w): m = w.mean(axis=0).A wc = w.mean() - m - m.T if not ssp.isspmatrix_coo(w): w_format = w.format w = w.tocoo(copy=False) row, col = w.row, w.col w = getattr(w, 'to' + w_format)(copy=False) else: row, col = w.row, w.col wc[row, col] += else: m = w.mean(axis=0, keepdims=True) wc = w.mean() - m - m.T wc += w # when using float64, eigh is unstable for sparse matrices ev, mem = np.linalg.eigh(wc.astype(np.float32)) ev, mem = ev[::-1], mem[:, ::-1] # Remove zero eigen-value/vector ev_abs = np.abs(ev) mask_zero = ev_abs < tol n_zero = np.count_nonzero(mask_zero) if n_zero == 0: raise ValueError('Weight matrix has no zero eigenvalue.') # Multiple zero eigenvalues if spectrum == 'all': if n_zero > 1: n = w.shape[0] memz = np.hstack([mem[:, mask_zero], np.ones((n, 1))]) q, _ = np.linalg.qr(memz) mem[:, mask_zero] = q[:, :-1] idx_zero = mask_zero.argmax() else: idx_zero = ev_abs.argmin() ev[idx_zero:-1] = ev[idx_zero+1:] mem[:, idx_zero:-1] = mem[:, idx_zero + 1:] ev = ev[:-1] mem = mem[:, :-1] else: # only nonzero mask_nonzero = ~mask_zero ev = ev[mask_nonzero] mem = mem[:, mask_nonzero] return mem, ev
[docs]def moran_randomization(x, mem, n_rep=100, procedure='singleton', joint=False, random_state=None): """ Generate random samples from `x` based on Moran spectral randomization. Parameters ---------- x : 1D or 2D ndarray, shape = (n_vertices,) or (n_vertices, n_feat) Array of variables arranged in columns, where `n_feat` is the number of variables. mem : 2D ndarray, shape = (n_vertices, nv) Moran eigenvectors map, where `nv` is the number of eigenvectors arranged in columns. n_rep : int, optional Number of random samples. Default is 100. procedure : {'singleton, 'pair'}, optional Procedure to generate the random samples. Default is 'singleton'. joint : boolean, optional If True variables are randomized jointly. Otherwise, each variable is randomized separately. Default is False. random_state : int or None, optional Random state. Default is None. Returns ------- output : ndarray, shape = (n_rep, n_vertices, n_feat) Random samples. If ``n_feat == 1``, shape = (n_rep, n_vertices). See Also -------- :func:`.compute_mem` :class:`.MoranRandomization` References ---------- * Wagner H.H. and Dray S. (2015). Generating spatially constrained null models for irregularly spaced data using Moran spectral randomization methods. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 6(10):1169-78. """ if x.ndim == 1: x = np.atleast_2d(x).T procedure = procedure.lower() if procedure not in ['singleton', 'pair']: raise ValueError("Unknown procedure '{0}'".format(procedure)) rs = check_random_state(random_state) n_comp = mem.shape[1] n_rows = x.shape[0] n_cols = 1 if joint else x.shape[1] rxv = 1 - cdist(x.T, mem.T, 'correlation').T if procedure == 'singleton': rxv2 = rxv * rs.choice([-1., 1.], size=(n_rep, n_comp, n_cols)) else: # pair n_pairs = n_comp // 2 n_top = 2 * n_pairs is_odd = n_top != n_comp rsq = rxv ** 2 rxv2 = np.empty((n_rep,) + rxv.shape) for i in range(n_rep): p = rs.permutation(n_comp) # ia, ib = p[:n_top:2], p[1:n_top:2] ia, ib = p[:n_pairs], p[n_pairs:n_top] if is_odd: # singleton method for last item rxv2[i, p[-1]] = rxv[p[-1]] * rs.choice([-1, 1], size=n_cols) phi = rs.uniform(0, 2 * np.pi, size=(n_pairs, n_cols)) if joint: phi = phi + np.arctan2(rxv[ia], rxv[ib]) rxv2[i, ia] = rxv2[i, ib] = np.sqrt(rsq[ia] + rsq[ib]) rxv2[i, ia] *= np.cos(phi) rxv2[i, ib] *= np.sin(phi) x_mean = x.mean(axis=0) x_std = x.std(axis=0, ddof=1) sim = x_mean + (mem @ rxv2) * (np.sqrt(n_rows - 1) * x_std) return sim.squeeze()
[docs]class MoranRandomization(BaseEstimator): """ Moran spectral randomization. Parameters ---------- procedure : {'singleton, 'pair'}, optional Procedure to generate the random samples. Default is 'singleton'. spectrum : {'all', 'nonzero'}, optional Eigenvalues/vectors to select. If 'all', recover all eigenvectors except one. Otherwise, select all except non-zero eigenvectors. Default is 'nonzero'. joint : boolean, optional If True variables are randomized jointly. Otherwise, each variable is randomized separately. Default is False. n_rep : int, optional Number of randomizations. Default is 100. n_ring : int, optional Neighborhood size to build the weight matrix. Only used if user provides a surface mesh. Default is 1. tol : float, optional Minimum value for an eigenvalue to be considered non-zero. Default is 1e-10. random_state : int or None, optional Random state. Default is None. Attributes ---------- mev_ : 1D ndarray, shape (n_components,) Eigenvalues of the weight matrix in descending order. mem_ : 2D ndarray, shape (n_vertices, n_components) Eigenvectors of the weight matrix in same order. See Also -------- :class:`.SpinPermutations` """
[docs] def __init__(self, procedure='singleton', spectrum='nonzero', joint=False, n_rep=100, n_ring=1, tol=1e-10, random_state=None): self.procedure = procedure self.spectrum = spectrum self.joint = joint self.n_rep = n_rep self.n_ring = n_ring self.tol = tol self.random_state = random_state
[docs] def fit(self, w): """ Compute Moran eigenvectors map. Parameters ---------- w : BSPolyData, ndarray or sparse matrix, shape = (n_verts, n_verts) Spatial weight matrix or surface. If surface, the weight matrix is built based on the inverse geodesic distance between each vertex and the vertices in its `n_ring`. Returns ------- self : object Returns self. """ self.mem_, self.mev_ = compute_mem(w, spectrum=self.spectrum, tol=self.tol) return self
[docs] def randomize(self, x): """ Generate random samples from `x`. Parameters ---------- x : 1D or 2D ndarray, shape = (n_verts,) or (n_verts, n_feat) Array of variables arranged in columns, where `n_feat` is the number of variables. Returns ------- output : ndarray, shape = (n_rep, n_verts, n_feat) Random samples. If ``n_feat == 1``, shape = (n_rep, n_verts). """ rand = moran_randomization(x, self.mem_, n_rep=self.n_rep, procedure=self.procedure, joint=self.joint, random_state=self.random_state) return rand