Source code for brainspace.mesh.mesh_io

High-level read/write functions for several formats.

# Author: Oualid Benkarim <>
# License: BSD 3 clause

import tempfile
import gzip
import os

from vtk import (vtkPLYReader, vtkPLYWriter, vtkXMLPolyDataReader,
                 vtkXMLPolyDataWriter, vtkPolyDataReader, vtkPolyDataWriter)

from ..vtk_interface.io_support import (vtkFSReader, vtkFSWriter,
                                        vtkGIFTIReader, vtkGIFTIWriter)
from ..vtk_interface.pipeline import serial_connect, get_output
from ..vtk_interface.decorators import wrap_output

# 'fs' type for FreeSurfer geometry data (also read FreeSurfer ascii as .asc)
supported_types = ['ply', 'obj', 'vtp', 'vtk', 'asc', 'fs', 'gii']
supported_formats = ['binary', 'ascii']

def _select_reader(itype):
    if itype == 'ply':
        reader = vtkPLYReader()
    # elif itype == 'obj':
    #     reader = vtkOBJReader()
    elif itype == 'vtp':
        reader = vtkXMLPolyDataReader()
    elif itype == 'vtk':
        reader = vtkPolyDataReader()
    elif itype in ['asc', 'fs']:
        reader = vtkFSReader()
        if itype == 'asc':
    elif itype == 'gii':
        reader = vtkGIFTIReader()
        raise TypeError('Unknown input type \'{0}\'.'.format(itype))
    return reader

def _select_writer(otype):
    if otype == 'ply':
        writer = vtkPLYWriter()
    # elif otype == 'obj':
    #     writer = vtkOBJWriter()
    elif otype == 'vtp':
        writer = vtkXMLPolyDataWriter()
    elif otype == 'vtk':
        writer = vtkPolyDataWriter()
    elif otype in ['asc', 'fs']:
        writer = vtkFSWriter()
    elif otype == 'gii':
        writer = vtkGIFTIWriter()
        raise TypeError('Unknown output type \'{0}\'.'.format(otype))
    return writer

def _uncompress(ipth, opth, block_size=65536):
    """Uncompresses files. Currently only supports gzip.

    ipth : str
        Input filename.
    opth : str
        Output filename.
    block_size : int, optional
        Size of blocks of the input that are read at a time, by default 65536

    if ipth.split('.')[-1] == 'gz':
        with, 'rb') as i_file, open(opth, 'wb') as o_file:
            while True:
                block =
                if not block:
        ValueError('Unknown file format.')

[docs]def read_surface(ipth, itype=None, return_data=True, update=True): """Read surface data. See `itype` for supported file types. Parameters ---------- ipth : str Input filename. itype : {'ply', 'vtp', 'vtk', 'fs', 'asc', 'gii'}, optional Input file type. If None, it is deduced from `ipth`. Files compressed with gzip (.gz) are also supported. Default is None. return_data : bool, optional Whether to return data instead of filter. Default is False update : bool, optional Whether to update filter When return_data=True, filter is automatically updated. Default is True. Returns ------- output : BSAlgorithm or BSPolyData Surface as a filter or BSPolyData. Notes ----- Function can read FreeSurfer geometry data in binary ('fs') and ascii ('asc') format. Gifti surfaces can also be loaded if nibabel is installed. See Also -------- :func:`write_surface` """ if itype is None: itype = ipth.split('.')[-1] if itype == 'gz': extension = ipth.split('.')[-2] tmp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.' + extension, delete=False) tmp_name = # Close and reopen because windows throws permission errors when both # reading and writing. tmp.close() _uncompress(ipth, tmp_name) result = read_surface(tmp_name, extension, return_data=return_data, update=update) os.unlink(tmp_name) return result reader = _select_reader(itype) reader.filename = ipth return get_output(reader, update=update, as_data=return_data)
[docs]def write_surface(ifilter, opth, oformat=None, otype=None): """Write surface data. See `otype` for supported file types. Parameters ---------- ifilter : BSAlgorithm or BSDataObject Input filter or data. opth : str Output filename. oformat : {'ascii', 'binary'}, optional File format. Defaults to writer's default format. Only used when writer accepts format. Default is None. otype : {'ply', 'vtp', 'vtk', 'fs', 'asc', 'gii'}, optional File type. If None, type is deduced from `opth`. Default is None. Notes ----- Function can save data in FreeSurfer binary ('fs') and ascii ('asc') format. Gifti surfaces can also be saved if nibabel is installed. See Also -------- :func:`read_surface` """ if otype is None: otype = opth.split('.')[-1] writer = _select_writer(otype) writer.filename = opth if otype not in ['vtp', 'tri', 'gii', 'obj']: if oformat == 'ascii' or otype == 'asc': writer.SetFileTypeToASCII() else: writer.SetFileTypeToBinary() serial_connect(ifilter, writer, update=True, as_data=False, port=None)
def convert_surface(ipth, opth, itype=None, otype=None, oformat=None): """Convert between file types. Parameters ---------- ipth : str Input filename. opth : str Output filename. itype : str, optional Input file type. If None, type is deduced from input filename's extension. Default is None. otype : str, optional Output file type. If None, type is deduced from output filename's extension. Default is None. oformat : {'ascii', 'binary'} Output file format. Defaults to writer's default format. Only used when writer accepts format. Default is None. """ reader = read_surface(ipth, itype=itype, return_data=False, update=False) write_surface(reader, opth, oformat=oformat, otype=otype)