Source code for brainspace.mesh.mesh_elements

Functions on surface mesh elements.

# Author: Oualid Benkarim <>
# License: BSD 3 clause

import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse as ssp
from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist
from scipy.sparse.csgraph import dijkstra

import vtk

from ..vtk_interface import wrap_vtk, serial_connect
from ..vtk_interface.decorators import wrap_input

[docs]@wrap_input(0) def get_points(surf, mask=None): """Get surface points. Parameters ---------- surf : vtkDataSet or BSDataSet Input surface. mask : 1D ndarray, optional Binary mask. If specified, only get points within the mask. Default is None. Returns ------- points : ndarray, shape (n_points, 3) Array of points. See Also -------- :func:`get_cells` :func:`get_edges` """ return surf.Points if mask is None else surf.Points[mask]
[docs]@wrap_input(0) def get_cells(surf): """Get surface cells. Parameters ---------- surf : vtkDataSet or BSDataSet Input surface. Returns ------- cells : ndarray, shape (n_cells, nd) Array of cells. The value of nd depends on the topology. If vertex (nd=1), line (nd=2) or poly (nd=3). Each element is a point id. Raises ------ ValueError If `surf` contains different cell types. See Also -------- :func:`get_points` :func:`get_edges` """ return surf.GetCells2D()
def get_extent(surf): """Get data extent. Parameters ---------- surf : vtkDataSet or BSDataSet Input surface. Returns ------- extent : 1D ndarray, shape (3,) Extent of data. """ bounds = np.array(surf.GetBounds()) return bounds[1::2] - bounds[::2]
[docs]@wrap_input(0) def get_point2cell_connectivity(surf, mask=None, dtype=np.uint8): """Get point to cell connectivity. Parameters ---------- surf : vtkDataSet or BSDataSet Input surface. mask : 1D ndarray, optional Binary mask. If specified, only get points within the mask. Default is None. dtype : dtype, optional Data type. Default is uint8. Returns ------- output : sparse matrix, shape (n_points, n_cells) The connectivity matrix. The (i,j) entry is 1 if the j-th cell uses the i-th point. Notes ----- This function returns the transpose of :func:`get_cell2point_connectivity`. See Also -------- :func:`get_cell2point_connectivity` :func:`get_cell_neighbors` """ cells = surf.GetCells2D() data = np.ones(cells.size, dtype=dtype) row = cells.ravel() col = np.repeat(np.arange(surf.n_cells), cells.shape[1]) shape = (surf.n_points, surf.n_cells) pc = ssp.csr_matrix((data, (row, col)), shape=shape) return pc if mask is None else pc[mask]
[docs]@wrap_input(0) def get_cell2point_connectivity(surf, mask=None, dtype=np.uint8): """Get cell to point connectivity. Parameters ---------- surf : vtkDataSet or BSDataSet Input surface. mask : 1D ndarray, optional Binary mask. If specified, only get points within the mask. Default is None. dtype : dtype, optional Data type. Default is uint8. Returns ------- output : sparse matrix, shape (n_cells, n_points) The connectivity matrix. The (i,j) entry is 1 if the i-th cell uses the j-th point. See Also -------- :func:`get_point2cell_connectivity` :func:`get_cell_neighbors` Notes ----- This function returns the transpose of :func:`get_point2cell_connectivity`. """ pc = get_point2cell_connectivity(surf, mask=mask, dtype=dtype) return pc.T.tocsr(copy=False)
[docs]def get_cell_neighbors(surf, include_self=True, with_edge=True, dtype=np.uint8): """Get cell connectivity based on shared edges. Parameters ---------- surf : vtkDataSet or BSDataSet Input surface. include_self : bool, optional If True, set diagonal elements to 1. Default is True. with_edge : bool, optional If True, neighboring cells are based on shared edges. Otherwise, cells must share, at least, one point. Default is True. dtype : dtype, optional Data type. Default is uint8. Returns ------- output : sparse matrix, shape (n_cells, n_cells) The connectivity matrix. The (i,j) entry is 1 if cells i and j share an edge. See Also -------- :func:`get_point2cell_connectivity` :func:`get_cell2point_connectivity` """ if with_edge: ce = get_cell2point_connectivity(surf, dtype=np.uint8) ce *= ce.T = > 1 if not include_self: ce.setdiag(0) ce.eliminate_zeros() else: ce = get_cell2point_connectivity(surf, dtype=np.bool) ce *= ce.T if not include_self: ce.setdiag(0) ce.eliminate_zeros() =, copy=False) return ce
[docs]def get_immediate_adjacency(surf, include_self=True, mask=None, dtype=np.uint8): """Get immediate adjacency matrix. Parameters ---------- surf : vtkDataSet or BSDataSet Input surface. include_self : bool, optional If True, set diagonal elements to 1. Default is True. mask : 1D ndarray, optional Binary mask. If specified, only use points within the mask. Default is None. dtype : dtype, optional Data type. Default is uint8. Returns ------- adj : sparse matrix, shape (n_points, n_points) Immediate adjacency matrix. See Also -------- :func:`get_ring_adjacency` :func:`get_immediate_distance` :func:`get_ring_distance` Notes ----- Immediate adjacency: set to one all entries of points that share and edge with current point. """ adj = get_point2cell_connectivity(surf, mask=mask, dtype=np.bool) adj *= adj.T if not include_self: adj.setdiag(0) adj.eliminate_zeros() =, copy=False) return adj
[docs]def get_ring_adjacency(surf, n_ring=1, include_self=True, mask=None, dtype=np.uint8): """Get adjacency in the neighborhood of each point. Parameters ---------- surf : vtkDataSet or BSDataSet Input surface. n_ring : int, optional Size of neighborhood. Default is 1. include_self : bool, optional If True, set diagonal elements to 1. Otherwise, the diagonal is set to 0. Default is True. mask : 1D ndarray, optional Binary mask. If specified, only use points within the mask. Default is None. dtype : dtype, optional Data type. Default is uint8. Returns ------- adj : sparse matrix, shape (n_points, n_points) Adjacency matrix in `n_ring` ring. See Also -------- :func:`get_immediate_adjacency` :func:`get_immediate_distance` :func:`get_ring_distance` """ if n_ring == 1: return get_immediate_adjacency(surf, include_self=include_self, mask=mask, dtype=dtype) adj = get_immediate_adjacency(surf, include_self=True, mask=mask, dtype=np.bool) adj **= n_ring if not include_self: adj.setdiag(0) adj.eliminate_zeros() =, copy=False) return adj
[docs]def get_edges(surf, mask=None): """Get surface edges. Parameters ---------- surf : vtkDataSet or BSDataSet Input surface. mask : 1D ndarray, optional Binary mask. If specified, only use points within the mask. Default is None. Returns ------- edges : ndarray, shape (n_edges, 2) Array of edges. Each element is a point id. See Also -------- :func:`get_edge_length` :func:`get_points` :func:`get_cells` """ adj = get_immediate_adjacency(surf, include_self=False, mask=mask, dtype=np.bool) adj.sort_indices() adj_ud = ssp.triu(adj, k=1, format='coo') edges = np.column_stack([adj_ud.row, adj_ud.col]) return edges
@wrap_input(0) def get_point2edge_connectivity(surf, mask=None, dtype=np.uint8): """Get point to edge connectivity. Parameters ---------- surf : vtkDataSet or BSDataSet Input surface. mask : 1D ndarray, optional Binary mask. If specified, only use points within the mask. Default is None. dtype : dtype, optional Data type. Default is uint8. Returns ------- output : sparse matrix, shape (n_points, n_edges) The connectivity matrix. The (i,j) entry is 1 if the j-th edge uses the i-th point. Notes ----- Edges are sorted by point ids, such as edge 0 is the one connecting the points with the smallest ids. This function returns the transpose of :func:`get_edge2point_connectivity`. See Also -------- :func:`get_edge2point_connectivity` :func:`get_edges` """ edges = get_edges(surf, mask=mask) n_pts = surf.n_points if mask is None else np.count_nonzero(mask) data = np.ones(edges.size, dtype=dtype) row = edges.ravel() col = np.repeat(np.arange(edges.shape[0]), 2) shape = (n_pts, edges.shape[0]) return ssp.csr_matrix((data, (row, col)), shape=shape) @wrap_input(0) def get_edge2point_connectivity(surf, mask=None, dtype=np.uint8): """Get edge to point connectivity. Parameters ---------- surf : vtkDataSet or BSDataSet Input surface. mask : 1D ndarray, optional Binary mask. If specified, only use points within the mask. Default is None. dtype : dtype, optional Data type. Default is uint8. Returns ------- output : sparse matrix, shape (n_edges, n_points) The connectivity matrix. The (i,j) entry is 1 if the i-th edge uses the j-th point. Notes ----- Edges are sorted by point ids, such as edge 0 is the one connecting the points with the smallest ids. This function returns the transpose of :func:`get_point2edge_connectivity`. See Also -------- :func:`get_point2edge_connectivity` :func:`get_edges` """ pe = get_point2edge_connectivity(surf, mask=mask, dtype=dtype) return pe.T.tocsr(copy=False) @wrap_input(0) def get_edge2cell_connectivity(surf, mask=None, dtype=np.uint8): """Get edge to cell connectivity. Parameters ---------- surf : vtkDataSet or BSDataSet Input surface. mask : 1D ndarray, optional Binary mask. If specified, only use points within the mask. Default is None. dtype : dtype, optional Data type. Default is uint8. Returns ------- output : sparse matrix, shape (n_edges, n_cells) The connectivity matrix. The (i,j) entry is 1 if the j-th cell uses the i-th edge. Notes ----- Edges are sorted by point ids, such as edge 0 is the one connecting the points with the smallest ids. This function returns the transpose of :func:`get_cell2edge_connectivity`. See Also -------- :func:`get_cell2edge_connectivity` :func:`get_edges` """ ec = get_edge2point_connectivity(surf, mask=mask, dtype=np.uint8) ec *= get_point2cell_connectivity(surf, mask=mask, dtype=np.uint8) = == 2 ec.eliminate_zeros() =, copy=False) return ec @wrap_input(0) def get_cell2edge_connectivity(surf, mask=None, dtype=np.uint8): """Get cell to edge connectivity. Parameters ---------- surf : vtkDataSet or BSDataSet Input surface. mask : 1D ndarray, optional Binary mask. If specified, only use points within the mask. Default is None. dtype : dtype, optional Data type. Default is uint8. Returns ------- output : sparse matrix, shape (n_cells, n_edges) The connectivity matrix. The (i,j) entry is 1 if the i-th cell uses the j-th edge. Notes ----- Edges are sorted by point ids, such as edge 0 is the one connecting the points with the smallest ids. This function returns the transpose of :func:`get_edge2cell_connectivity`. See Also -------- :func:`get_edge2cell_connectivity` :func:`get_edges` """ ec = get_edge2cell_connectivity(surf, mask=mask, dtype=dtype) return ec.T.tocsr(copy=False) def get_edge_length(surf, metric='euclidean', mask=None): """Get surface edge lengths. Parameters ---------- surf : vtkDataSet or BSDataSet Input surface. metric : {'euclidean', 'sqeuclidean'}, optional Distance metric. Default is 'euclidean'. mask : 1D ndarray, optional Binary mask. If specified, only use points within the mask. Default is None. Returns ------- edges : ndarray, shape (n_edges, 2) Array of edges. Each element is a point id. See Also -------- :func:`get_edges` :func:`get_immediate_distance` """ points = get_points(surf, mask=mask) edges = get_edges(surf, mask=mask) dif = points[edges[:, 0]] - points[edges[:, 1]] d = np.einsum('ij,ij->i', dif, dif) if metric == 'euclidean': d **= .5 return d @wrap_input(0) def _get_boundary(surf): """ Get boundary as polyData of lines. Parameters ---------- surf : vtkPolyData or BSPolyData Returns ------- surf_boundary : BSPolyData PolyData with cells as boundary edges. boundary_points : 1D ndarray Array of point ids in the boundary. """ an = surf.append_array(np.arange(surf.n_points)) fe = wrap_vtk(vtk.vtkFeatureEdges, boundaryEdges=True, manifoldEdges=False, nonManifoldEdges=False, featureEdges=False) bs = serial_connect(surf, fe) surf.remove_array(an) return bs, bs.get_array(an, at='p') def get_boundary_points(surf): """Get points in boundary. Parameters ---------- surf : vtkDataSet or BSDataSet Input surface. Returns ------- boundary_points : ndarray, shape (n_points, 2) Array of boundary point ids. See Also -------- :func:`get_boundary_edges` :func:`get_boundary_cells` """ _, bp = _get_boundary(surf) return np.sort(bp) def get_boundary_edges(surf): """Get edges in boundary. Parameters ---------- surf : vtkDataSet or BSDataSet Input surface. Returns ------- boundary_edges : ndarray, shape (n_edges, 2) Array of boundary edges. Each element is a point id. See Also -------- :func:`get_boundary_points` :func:`get_boundary_cells` :func:`get_edges` """ bs, bp = _get_boundary(surf) if bs.n_cells == 0: return np.array([]) be = bp[bs.GetCells2D()] return np.sort(be, axis=1) def get_boundary_cells(surf, with_edge=True): """Get cells in boundary. Parameters ---------- surf : vtkDataSet or BSDataSet Input surface. with_edge : bool, optional If True, boundary cells need to have, at least, one boundary edge. Otherwise, boundary cells have, at least, one boundary point. Default is True. Returns ------- cells : 1D ndarray Array of boundary cells. See Also -------- :func:`get_boundary_points` :func:`get_boundary_edges` """ ce = get_cell_neighbors(surf, include_self=False, with_edge=True) mask = ce.getnnz(axis=1) < 3 if not with_edge: mask |= ce[mask].getnnz(axis=0) > 0 return np.argwhere(mask).squeeze()
[docs]def get_immediate_distance(surf, metric='euclidean', mask=None, dtype=np.float): """Get immediate distance matrix. Parameters ---------- surf : vtkDataSet or BSDataSet Input surface. mask : 1D ndarray, optional Binary mask. If specified, only use points within the mask. Default is None. metric : {'euclidean', 'sqeuclidean'}, optional Distance metric. Default is 'euclidean'. dtype : dtype, optional Data type. Default is float. Returns ------- dist : sparse matrix, shape (n_points, n_points) Immediate distance matrix. See Also -------- :func:`get_immediate_adjacency` :func:`get_ring_adjacency` :func:`get_ring_distance` Notes ----- Immediate distance: Euclidean distance with all points that share and edge with current point. """ points = get_points(surf, mask=mask) edges = get_edges(surf, mask=mask) dif = points[edges[:, 0]] - points[edges[:, 1]] dist = np.einsum('ij,ij->i', dif, dif) if metric == 'euclidean': dist **= .5 data = np.repeat(dist, 2).ravel() row, col = edges.ravel(), edges[:, ::-1].ravel() shape = (points.shape[0], points.shape[0]) return ssp.csr_matrix((data, (row, col)), shape=shape, dtype=dtype)
[docs]def get_ring_distance(surf, n_ring=1, metric='geodesic', mask=None, dtype=np.float): """Get distance matrix in the neighborhood of each point. Parameters ---------- surf : vtkDataSet or BSDataSet Input surface. n_ring : int, optional Size of neighborhood. Default is 1. metric : {'euclidean', 'sqeuclidean', 'geodesic'}, optional Distance metric. Default is 'geodesic'. mask : 1D ndarray, optional Binary mask. If specified, only use points within the mask. Default is None. dtype : dtype, optional Data type. Default is np.float. Returns ------- dist : sparse matrix, shape (n_points, n_points) Distance matrix in `n_ring` ring.. See Also -------- :func:`get_immediate_adjacency` :func:`get_ring_adjacency` :func:`get_immediate_distance` Notes ----- Distance is only computed for points in the ring of current point. When using geodesic, shortest paths are restricted to points within the ring. """ if n_ring == 1: return get_immediate_distance(surf, mask=mask, dtype=dtype) if metric == 'geodesic': imm_dist = get_immediate_distance(surf, mask=mask, dtype=dtype) # Faster d = get_ring_adjacency(surf, n_ring=n_ring, mask=mask, include_self=True, dtype=dtype) for i in range(imm_dist.shape[0]): idx = d[i].indices idx_pnt = np.argmax(idx == i)[d.indptr[i]:d.indptr[i + 1]] = \ dijkstra(csgraph=imm_dist[idx][:, idx], indices=idx_pnt)[np.isinf(] = 0 d.eliminate_zeros() # Slower # d = get_ring_adjacency(surf, n_ring=n_ring, mask=mask, # include_self=False) # d = d.multiply(dijkstra(imm_dist)).astype(dtype) #[np.isinf(] = 0 elif metric in ['euclidean', 'sqeuclidean']: d = get_ring_adjacency(surf, n_ring=n_ring, mask=mask, include_self=False, dtype=dtype) points = get_points(surf, mask=mask) for i in range(points.shape[0]): idx = d[i].indices[d.indptr[i]:d.indptr[i+1]] = \ cdist(points[i:i+1], points[idx], metric=metric) else: raise ValueError('Unknown metric \'{0}\'. Possible metrics: ' '{{\'euclidean\', \'sqeuclidean\', \'geodesic\'}}.'. format(metric)) return d