Source code for brainspace.mesh.mesh_creation

Functions for surface creation.

# Author: Oualid Benkarim <>
# License: BSD 3 clause

from vtk import (vtkPolyData, vtkCellArray, vtkTriangleFilter,

from .mesh_elements import get_edges
from ..vtk_interface.wrappers import BSPolyData
from ..vtk_interface.decorators import wrap_input
from ..vtk_interface.pipeline import serial_connect

[docs]def build_polydata(points, cells=None): """Build surface (PolyData) from points and cells. Parameters ---------- points : ndarray, shape = (n_points, 3) Array of points. cells : ndarray, shape = (n_cells, nd), optional Array of cells. Cells can be vertex (nd=1), line (nd=2) or triangle (nd=3). Default is None (no topology information). Returns ------- output : BSPolyData Returns surface (PolyData). See Also -------- :func:`to_vertex` :func:`to_lines` Notes ----- Point ids within cells must start from 0 (first point) and contain all points. """ s = BSPolyData(points=points) if cells is not None: n_cells, n_points_cell = cells.shape if n_points_cell == 1: s.SetVerts(cells) elif n_points_cell == 2: s.SetLines(cells) else: s.SetPolys(cells) # Triangulation needed return serial_connect(s, vtkTriangleFilter())
[docs]def to_vertex(surf): """Convert all cells in PolyData to vertex cells. Parameters ---------- surf : vtkPolyData or BSPolyData Input surface. Returns ------- output : BSPolyData PolyData with vertex points. See Also -------- :func:`to_lines` :func:`build_polydata` """ return serial_connect(surf, vtkVertexGlyphFilter())
[docs]@wrap_input(0) def to_lines(surf): """Convert all cells in PolyData to lines. Parameters ---------- surf : vtkPolyData or BSPolyData Input surface. Returns ------- output : BSPolyData PolyData with lines. See Also -------- :func:`to_vertex` :func:`build_polydata` """ edges = get_edges(surf) s = build_polydata(surf.Points, cells=edges) for k in surf.point_keys: s.append_array(surf.PointData[k], name=k, at='p') return s