Source code for brainspace.mesh.array_operations

Functions on PointData and CellData.

# Author: Oualid Benkarim <>
# License: BSD 3 clause

import warnings

import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import mode
from scipy.spatial import KDTree
from scipy.sparse.csgraph import laplacian, connected_components

from sklearn.utils.extmath import weighted_mode

from vtk import (vtkCellSizeFilter, vtkCellCenters, vtkCellLocator,
                 vtkPolyDataConnectivityFilter, vtkGenericCell,
                 mutable as vtk_mutable)

from . import mesh_elements as me
from .mesh_operations import mask_points
from ..utils.parcellation import map_to_mask, reduce_by_labels
from ..vtk_interface import wrap_vtk, serial_connect
from ..vtk_interface.decorators import append_vtk, wrap_input

[docs]@append_vtk(to='cell') def compute_cell_area(surf, append=False, key='cell_area'): """Compute cell area. Parameters ---------- surf : vtkPolyData or BSPolyData Input surface. append : bool, optional If True, append array to cell data attributes of input surface and return surface. Otherwise, only return array. Default is False. key : str, optional Array name to append to surface's cell data attributes. Only used if ``append == True``. Default is 'cell_area'. Returns ------- output : vtkPolyData, BSPolyData or ndarray Return ndarray if ``append == False``. Otherwise, return input surface with the new array. """ alg = wrap_vtk(vtkCellSizeFilter, computeArea=True, areaArrayName=key, computeVolume=False, computeLength=False, computeSum=False, computeVertexCount=False) return serial_connect(surf, alg).CellData[key]
[docs]@append_vtk(to='cell') def compute_cell_center(surf, append=False, key='cell_center'): """Compute center of cells (parametric center). Parameters ---------- surf : vtkPolyData or BSPolyData Input surface. append : bool, optional If True, append array to cell data attributes of input surface and return surface. Otherwise, only return array. Default is False. key : str, optional Array name to append to surface's cell data attributes. Only used if ``append == True``. Default is 'cell_center'. Returns ------- output : vtkPolyData, BSPolyData or ndarray Return ndarray if ``append == False``. Otherwise, return input surface with the new array. """ return serial_connect(surf, vtkCellCenters()).Points
[docs]@append_vtk(to='point') def get_n_adjacent_cells(surf, append=False, key='point_ncells'): """Compute number of adjacent cells for each point. Parameters ---------- surf : vtkPolyData or BSPolyData Input surface. append : bool, optional If True, append array to cell data attributes of input surface and return surface. Otherwise, only return array. Default is False. key : str, optional Array name to append to surface's point data attributes. Only used if ``append == True``. Default is 'point_ncells'. Returns ------- output : vtkPolyData, BSPolyData or ndarray Return ndarray if ``append == False``. Otherwise, return input surface with the new array. """ return me.get_point2cell_connectivity(surf).getnnz(axis=1)
[docs]@append_vtk(to='point') def map_celldata_to_pointdata(surf, cell_data, red_func='mean', dtype=None, append=False, key=None): """Map cell data to point data. Parameters ---------- surf : vtkPolyData or BSPolyData Input surface. cell_data : str, 1D ndarray Array with cell data. If str, it must be in cell data attributes of `surf`. red_func : str or callable, optional. Function used to compute point data from data of neighboring cells. If str, options are {'sum', 'mean', 'mode', 'one_third', 'min', 'max'}. Default is 'mean'. dtype : dtype, optional Data type of new array. If None, use the same data type of cell data array. Default is None. append: bool, optional If True, append array to point data attributes of input surface and return surface. Otherwise, only return array. Default is False. key : str, optional Array name to append to surface's point data attributes. Only used if ``append == True``. Default is None. Returns ------- output : vtkPolyData, BSPolyData or ndarray Return ndarray if ``append == False``. Otherwise, return input surface with the new array. """ if red_func not in ['sum', 'mean', 'mode', 'one_third', 'min', 'max'] and \ not callable(red_func): ValueError('Unknown reduction function \'{0}\'.'.format(red_func)) if isinstance(cell_data, str): cell_data = surf.get_array(name=cell_data, at='c') pc = me.get_point2cell_connectivity(surf) if isinstance(red_func, str) and red_func != 'mode': if red_func in ['sum', 'mean', 'one_third']: pd = pc * cell_data if red_func == 'mean': nnz_row = pc.getnnz(axis=1) nnz_row[nnz_row == 0] = 1 # Avoid NaN pd = pd / nnz_row elif red_func == 'one_third': pd = pd / 3 else: pd1 = pc.multiply(cell_data) if red_func == 'max': pd = np.maximum.reduceat(, pc.indptr[:-1]) else: # min pd = np.minimum.reduceat(, pc.indptr[:-1]) pd[np.diff(pc.indptr) == 0] = 0 return pd if dtype is None else pd.astype(dtype) if dtype is None: dtype = cell_data.dtype if red_func == 'mode' else np.float32 if red_func == 'mode': def mode_func(x): return mode(x)[0] red_func = mode_func pd = np.zeros(surf.n_points, dtype=dtype) pd1 = pc.multiply(cell_data) for i in range(pd.size): data_row =[pc.indptr[i]:pc.indptr[i + 1]] if data_row.size > 0: pd[i] = red_func(data_row) return pd
[docs]@append_vtk(to='cell') def map_pointdata_to_celldata(surf, point_data, red_func='mean', dtype=None, append=False, key=None): """Map point data to cell data. Parameters ---------- surf : vtkPolyData or BSPolyData Input surface. point_data : str, 1D ndarray Array with point data. If str, it is in the point data attributes of `surf`. If ndarray, use this array as point data. red_func : {'sum', 'mean', 'mode', 'min', 'max'} or callable, optional Function used to compute data of each cell from data of its points. Default is 'mean'. dtype : dtype, optional Data type of new array. If None, use the same data type of point data array. Default is None. append: bool, optional If True, append array to cell data attributes of input surface and return surface. Otherwise, only return array. Default is False. key : str, optional Array name to append to surface's cell data attributes. Only used if ``append == True``. Default is None. Returns ------- output : vtkPolyData, BSPolyData or ndarray Return ndarray if ``append == False``. Otherwise, return input surface with the new array. """ if red_func not in ['sum', 'mean', 'mode', 'min', 'max'] and \ not callable(red_func): ValueError('Unknown reduction function \'{0}\'.'.format(red_func)) if isinstance(point_data, str): point_data = surf.get_array(name=point_data, at='p') cp = me.get_cell2point_connectivity(surf) if isinstance(red_func, str) and red_func != 'mode': if red_func in ['sum', 'mean']: cd = cp * point_data if red_func == 'mean': nnz_row = cp.getnnz(axis=1) nnz_row[nnz_row == 0] = 1 # Avoid NaN cd = cd / nnz_row else: pd1 = cp.multiply(point_data) if red_func == 'max': cd = np.maximum.reduceat(, cp.indptr[:-1]) else: # min cd = np.minimum.reduceat(, cp.indptr[:-1]) cd[np.diff(cp.indptr) == 0] = 0 return cd if dtype is None else cd.astype(dtype) if dtype is None: dtype = point_data.dtype if red_func == 'mode' else np.float32 if red_func == 'mode': def mode_func(x): return mode(x)[0] red_func = mode_func cd = np.zeros(surf.GetNumberOfCells(), dtype=dtype) pd1 = cp.multiply(point_data) for i in range(cd.size): data_row =[cp.indptr[i]:cp.indptr[i + 1]] if data_row.size > 0: cd[i] = red_func(data_row) return cd
[docs]@append_vtk(to='point') def compute_point_area(surf, cell_area=None, area_as='one_third', append=False, key='point_area'): """Compute point area from its adjacent cells. Parameters ---------- surf : vtkPolyData or BSPolyData Input surface. cell_area : str, 1D ndarray or None, optional Array with cell areas. If str, it must be in the cell data attributes of `surf`. If None, cell areas are computed first. Default is None. area_as : {'one_third', 'sum', 'mean'}, optional Compute point area as 'one_third', 'sum' or 'mean' of adjacent cells. Default is 'one_third'. append : bool, optional If True, append array to point data attributes of input surface and return surface. Otherwise, only return array. Default is False. key : str, optional Array name to append to surface's point data attributes. Only used if ``append == True``. Default is 'point_area'. Returns ------- output : vtkPolyData, BSPolyData or ndarray 1D array with point area. Return ndarray if ``append == False``. Otherwise, return input surface with the new array. """ if cell_area is None: cell_area = compute_cell_area(surf) elif isinstance(cell_area, str): cell_area = surf.get_array(name=cell_area, at='c') return map_celldata_to_pointdata(surf, cell_area, red_func=area_as, dtype=cell_area.dtype)
# @append_vtk(to='point') # def get_connected_components(surf, labeling=None, mask=None, fill=0, # append=False, key='components'): # """Get connected components. # # Connected components are based on connectivity (and same label if # `labeling` is provided). # # Parameters # ---------- # surf : vtkPolyData or BSPolyData # Input surface. # labeling : str or 1D ndarray, optional # Array with labels. If str, it must be in the point data # attributes of `surf`. Default is None. If provided, connectivity is # based on neighboring points with the same label. # mask : str or 1D ndarray, optional # Boolean mask. If str, it must be in the point data # attributes of `surf`. Default is None. If specified, only consider # points within the mask. # fill : int or float, optional # Value used for entries out of the mask. Only used if the # `target_mask` is provided. Default is 0. # append : bool, optional # If True, append array to point data attributes of input surface and # return surface. Otherwise, only return array. Default is False. # key : str, optional # Array name to append to surface's point data attributes. Only used if # ``append == True``. Default is 'components'. # # Returns # ------- # output : vtkPolyData, BSPolyData or ndarray # 1D array with different labels for each connected component. # Return ndarray if ``append == False``. Otherwise, return input surface # with the new array. # # Notes # ----- # VTK point data does not accept boolean arrays. If the mask is provided as # a string, the mask is built from the corresponding array such that any # value larger than 0 is True. # # """ # # if isinstance(mask, str): # mask = surf.get_array(name=mask, at='p') > 0 # # if labeling is None: # alg = wrap_vtk(vtkPolyDataConnectivityFilter, colorRegions=True, # extractionMode='AllRegions') # cc = serial_connect(surf, alg).PointData['RegionId'] + 1 # if mask is not None: # cc[~mask] = 0 # # return cc # # if isinstance(labeling, str): # labeling = surf.get_array(name=labeling, at='p') # # mlab = labeling if mask is None else labeling[mask] # # adj = me.get_immediate_adjacency(surf, mask=mask) # adj = ssp.triu(adj, 1) # Converts to coo # # # Zero-out neighbors with different labels # mask_remove = mlab[adj.row] != mlab[adj.col] #[mask_remove] = 0 # adj.eliminate_zeros() # # nc, cc = connected_components(adj, directed=True, connection='weak') # cc += 1 # if mask is not None: # cc = map_to_mask(cc, mask=mask, fill=fill) # # return cc # @append_vtk(to='point') # def connected_components_parcellation(surf, labeling, size=None, # kind='largest', new_label=None, # append=False, key=None): # # if isinstance(labeling, str): # labeling = surf.get_array(name=labeling, at='p') # # ulab = np.unique(labeling) # if new_label is None: # new_label = ulab[-1] + 1 # elif np.any(new_label == ulab): # raise ValueError('New label %d is already present in the data. Please ' # 'choose another label.' % new_label) # # adj = me.get_immediate_adjacency(surf) # # new_labeling = labeling.copy() # for lab in ulab: # mask = labeling == lab # nc, cc = connected_components(adj[mask][:, mask]) # if nc == 1 or (size is not None and size < 0 and nc <= -size): # continue # # cc += 1 # uc, ct = np.unique(cc, return_counts=True) # cc_ext = map_to_mask(cc, mask, fill=0) # # # If negative --> keep 'size' (n) largest/smallest cc # if size is not None and size < 0: # if kind == 'largest': # discard_labs = uc[np.argpartition(ct, size)[:size]] # else: # discard_labs = uc[np.argpartition(ct, -size)[-size:]] # else: # sz = size # if sz is None: # sz = np.max(ct) if kind == 'largest' else np.min(ct) # discard_labs = uc[ct < sz] if kind == 'largest' else uc[ct > sz] # # new_labeling[np.isin(cc_ext, discard_labs)] = new_label # # return new_labeling # # # @append_vtk(to='point') # def dilate_labeling(surf, labeling, dilate_label, radius=1, background=0, # append=False, key=None): # # if isinstance(labeling, str): # labeling = surf.get_array(name=labeling, at='p') # # ulab = np.unique(labeling) # if np.all(background != ulab) or (dilate_label != ulab).all(): # return labeling # # labeling = labeling.copy() # # adj = me.get_ring_adjacency(surf, n_ring=radius, include_self=False) # mask = labeling == dilate_label # am = adj[mask].max(axis=0).A[0].astype(np.bool) # am &= labeling == background # labeling[am] = dilate_label # # return labeling
[docs]@append_vtk(to='point') def get_labeling_border(surf, labeling, append=False, key='border'): """Get labeling borders. Parameters ---------- surf : vtkPolyData or BSPolyData Input surface. labeling : str, 1D ndarray Array with labels. If str, it must be in the point data attributes of `surf`. append : bool, optional If True, append array to point data attributes of input surface and return surface. Otherwise, only return array. Default is False. key : str, optional Array name to append to surface's point data attributes. Only used if ``append == True``. Default is 'border'. Returns ------- output : vtkPolyData, BSPolyData or ndarray A 1D array with ones in the borders. Return array if ``append == False``. Otherwise, return input surface with the new array. """ edges = me.get_edges(surf) if isinstance(labeling, str): labeling = surf.get_array(name=labeling, at='p') edge_labels = labeling[edges] idx_border = np.unique(edges[edge_labels[:, 0] != edge_labels[:, 1]]) border = np.zeros_like(labeling, dtype=np.uint8) border[idx_border] = 1 return border
[docs]@append_vtk(to='point') def get_parcellation_centroids(surf, labeling, non_centroid=0, mask=None, append=False, key='centroids'): """Compute parcels centroids. Parameters ---------- surf : vtkPolyData or BSPolyData Input surface. labeling : str, 1D ndarray Array with labels. If str, it must be in the point data attributes of `surf`. If ndarray, use this array as the labeling. non_centroid : int, optional Label assigned to non-centroid points. Default is 0. mask : 1D ndarray, optional Binary mask. If specified, only consider points within the mask. Default is None. append : bool, optional If True, append array to point data attributes of input surface and return surface. Otherwise, only return array. Default is False. key : str, optional Array name to append to surface's point data attributes. Only used if ``append == True``. Default is 'centroids'. Returns ------- output : vtkPolyData, BSPolyData or ndarray A 1D array with the centroids assigned to their corresponding labels and the rest of points assigned `non_centroid`. Return array if ``append == False``. Otherwise, return input surface with the new array. """ if isinstance(labeling, str): labeling = surf.get_array(name=labeling, at='p') if mask is not None: labeling = labeling[mask] ulab = np.unique(labeling) if np.isin(non_centroid, ulab, assume_unique=True): raise ValueError("Non-centroid label is a valid label. Please choose " "another label.") pts = me.get_points(surf) if mask is not None: pts = pts[mask] centroids = reduce_by_labels(pts, labeling, axis=1, target_labels=ulab) centroid_labs = np.full_like(labeling, non_centroid) idx_pts = np.arange(labeling.size) for i, c in enumerate(centroids): mask_parcel = labeling == ulab[i] dif = c - pts[mask_parcel] idx = np.einsum('ij,ij->i', dif, dif).argmin() idx_centroid = idx_pts[mask_parcel][idx] centroid_labs[idx_centroid] = ulab[i] if mask is not None: centroid_labs = map_to_mask(centroid_labs, mask=mask, fill=non_centroid) return centroid_labs
[docs]@append_vtk(to='point') def propagate_labeling(surf, labeling, no_label=np.nan, mask=None, alpha=0.99, n_iter=30, tol=0.001, n_ring=1, mode='connectivity', append=False, key='propagated'): """Propagate labeling on surface points. Parameters ---------- surf : vtkPolyData or BSPolyData Input surface. labeling : str, 1D ndarray Array with initial labels. If str, it must be in the point data attributes of `surf`. If ndarray, use this array as the initial labeling. no_label : int or np.nan, optional Value for unlabeled points. Default is np.nan. mask : 1D ndarray, optional Binary mask. If specified, propagation is only performed on points within the mask. Default is None. alpha : float, optional Clamping factor such that ``0 < aplha < 1``. Deault is 0.99. n_iter : int, optional Maximum number of propagation iterations. Default is 30. tol : float, optional Convergence tolerance. Default is 0.001. n_ring : positive int, optional Consider points in the n-th ring to label the unlabeled points. Default is 1. mode : {'connectivity', 'distance'}, optional Propagation based on connectivity or geodesic distance. Default is 'connectivity'. append : bool, optional If True, append array to point data attributes of input surface and return surface. Otherwise, only return array. Default is False. key : str, optional Array name to append to surface's point data attributes. Only used if ``append == True``. Default is 'propagated'. Returns ------- output : vtkPolyData, BSPolyData or ndarray A 1D array with the propagated labeling. Return array if ``append == False``. Otherwise, return input surface with the new array. References ---------- * Zhou, D., Bousquet, O., Lal, T. N., Weston, J., & Schölkopf, B. (2004). Learning with local and global consistency. Advances in neural information processing systems, 16(16), 321-328. """ if isinstance(labeling, str): labeling = surf.get_array(name=labeling, at='p') if mask is not None: labeling = labeling[mask] if no_label is np.nan: labeled = ~np.isnan(labeling) != 0 else: labeled = labeling != no_label ulabs, idx_lab = np.unique(labeling[labeled], return_inverse=True) n_labs = ulabs.size n_pts = labeling.size # Graph matrix if mode == 'connectivity': adj = me.get_ring_adjacency(surf, n_ring=n_ring, include_self=False, dtype=np.float, mask=mask) else: adj = me.get_ring_distance(surf, n_ring=n_ring, dtype=np.float, mask=mask)[:] = np.exp(**2) if mask is not None: adj = adj[mask][:, mask] # graph_matrix = -alpha * laplacian(adj, normed=True) graph = laplacian(adj, normed=True) *= -alpha[graph.row == graph.col] = 0 graph.eliminate_zeros() graph = graph.tocsr(copy=False) # diag_mask = (graph_matrix.row == graph_matrix.col) #[diag_mask] = 0.0 # Label distributions and label static lab_dist = np.zeros((n_pts, n_labs)) lab_dist[np.argwhere(labeled)[:, 0], idx_lab] = 1 # lab_static = lab_dist.copy() # lab_static *= 1 - alpha lab_static = (1 - alpha) * lab_dist # propagation lab_dist_perv = lab_dist for i in range(n_iter): lab_dist = lab_dist += lab_static # lab_dist = + lab_static lab_dist_perv -= lab_dist if np.linalg.norm(lab_dist_perv, 'fro') < tol: break lab_dist_perv = lab_dist # lab_dist /= lab_dist.sum(axis=1, keepdims=True) new_labeling = labeling.copy() new_labeling[~labeled] = ulabs[np.argmax(lab_dist[~labeled], axis=1)] if mask is not None: new_labeling = map_to_mask(new_labeling, mask) return new_labeling
@append_vtk(to='point') def smooth_array(surf, point_data, n_iter=5, mask=None, kernel='gaussian', relax=0.2, sigma=None, append=False, key=None): """Propagate labeling on surface points. Parameters ---------- surf : vtkPolyData or BSPolyData Input surface. point_data : str, ndarray Input array to smooth. If str, it must be in the point data attributes of `surf`. If ndarray, use this array. n_iter : int, optional Number of smoothing iterations. Default is 5. mask : str or 1D ndarray, optional Binary mask. If specified, smoothing is only performed on points within the mask. If str, it must be in the point data attributes of `surf`. In this case, the mask is composed of all nonzero values. Default is None. kernel : {'uniform', 'gaussian', 'inverse_distance'}, optional Smoothing kernel. Default is 'gaussian'. relax : float, optional Relaxation factor, contribution of neighboring points such that ``0 < relax < 1``. Default is 0.2. sigma : float, optional Gaussian kernel width. If None, use standard deviation of egde lengths. Default is None. append : bool, optional If True, append array to point data attributes of input surface and return surface. Otherwise, only return array. Default is False. key : str, optional Array name to append to surface's point data attributes. Only used if ``append == True``. Default is None. Returns ------- output : vtkPolyData, BSPolyData or ndarray A 1D array with the smoothed data. Return array if ``append == False``. Otherwise, return input surface with the new array. Raises ------ ValueError If input array is 2D and number of rows does not coincide with number of points in `surf`. Notes ----- For 2D arrays, each array is smoothed separately. """ if relax <= 0 or relax >= 1: raise ValueError('Relaxation factor must be between 0 and 1.') if isinstance(point_data, str): point_data = surf.get_array(name=point_data, at='p') is_flat = False if point_data.ndim == 1: point_data = np.atleast_2d(point_data).T is_flat = True if surf.n_points != point_data.shape[0]: raise ValueError('Array must have {} rows.'.format(surf.n_points)) if point_data.shape[1] > 1: warnings.warn('Array with multiple components (columns). Each ' 'component will be smoothed separately.') if isinstance(mask, str): point_data = surf.get_array(name=mask, at='p') != 0 if mask is not None: pd = point_data[mask] else: pd = point_data if kernel == 'uniform': w = me.get_immediate_adjacency(surf, include_self=False, mask=mask, dtype=np.float) elif kernel == 'gaussian': w = me.get_immediate_distance(surf, metric='sqeuclidean', mask=mask) if sigma is None: # sigma = + 3 * sigma = *= -.5 / (sigma*sigma) np.exp(, elif kernel == 'inverse_distance': w = me.get_immediate_distance(surf, metric='euclidean', mask=mask) **= -1 else: raise ValueError("Unknown kernel: {0}".format(kernel)) w = w.tocoo(copy=False) ws = w.sum(axis=1).A1 *= relax/ws[w.row] # retain = np.ones(pd.shape) retain = np.ones((pd.shape[0], 1)) retain[ws > 0] -= relax if np.issubdtype(pd.dtype, np.floating): spd = pd.copy() else: spd = pd.astype(np.float) for i in range(n_iter): wp = spd *= retain spd += wp if mask is not None: spd = map_to_mask(spd, mask=mask, axis=1) spd[~mask] = point_data[~mask] return spd.squeeze() if is_flat else spd def _get_pids_sphere(source, target, source_mask=None, target_mask=None): """Spheres `source` and `target` must be aligned.""" c = vtkGenericCell() close_pt, pcoord = np.empty((2, 3)) cid, subcid, dist = [vtk_mutable(0) for _ in range(3)] if source_mask is not None: gids = np.arange(source.n_points) name_ids = source.append_array(gids, at='p') source_masked = mask_points(source, source_mask) source.remove_array(name_ids) source = source_masked if source.n_points != np.count_nonzero(source_mask): raise ValueError('Source mask is not fully connected.') celoc = vtkCellLocator() celoc.SetDataSet(source.VTKObject) celoc.BuildLocator() tp = me.get_points(target, mask=target_mask) n_pts = tp.shape[0] weights = np.empty((n_pts, 3)) pids = np.empty((n_pts, 3), dtype=np.int64) for i, p in enumerate(tp): celoc.FindClosestPoint(p, close_pt, c, cid, subcid, dist) c.EvaluatePosition(close_pt, close_pt, subcid, pcoord, dist, weights[i]) pids[i] = [c.GetPointIds().GetId(k) for k in range(3)] if source_mask is not None: gids = source.get_array(name_ids, at='p') pids = np.unique(gids, return_inverse=True)[1][pids] return pids, weights def _get_pids_naive(source, target, k=1, source_mask=None, target_mask=None, return_weights=True): """Resampling based on the k nearest points.""" sp = me.get_points(source, mask=source_mask) tp = me.get_points(target, mask=target_mask) tree = KDTree(sp, leafsize=20) dist, pids = tree.query(tp, k=k, eps=0) if return_weights: return pids, 1 / dist return pids @wrap_input(0, 1) def resample_pointdata(source, target, data, is_sphere=False, source_mask=None, target_mask=None, red_func='mean', k=3, fill=0, n_jobs=1, append=False, key=None): """Resample point data in source to target surface. Parameters ---------- source : vtkPolyData or BSPolyData Source surface. target : vtkPolyData or BSPolyData Target surface. data : str, 1D ndarray or list or str and ndarray Point data in source surface to resample. is_sphere : bool, optional If True, assume source and target are provided as spheres that are aligned. Default is False. source_mask : str or 1D ndarray, optional Boolean mask. If str, it must be in the point data attributes of `source`. Default is None. If specified, only consider points within the mask. target_mask : str or 1D ndarray, optional Boolean mask. If str, it must be in the point data attributes of `target`. Default is None. If specified, only consider points within the mask. red_func : {'mean', 'weighted_mean', 'mode', 'weighted_mode'}, optional Reduction function. Default is 'mean'. k : int, optional Number of closest points to consider during resampling. Only used when ``is_sphere==False``. Default is 3. fill : int or float, optional Value used for entries out of the mask. Only used if the `target_mask` is provided. Default is 0. n_jobs : int, optional Number of parallel jobs. Only used when ``is_sphere==False``. Default is 1. append: bool, optional If True, append array to point data attributes of target surface and return surface. Otherwise, only return resampled arrays. Default is False. key : str or list of str, optional Array names to append to target's point data attributes. Only used if ``append == True``. If None, use names in `source_name`. Default is None. Returns ------- output : vtkPolyData, BSPolyData or list of ndarray Resampled point data. Return ndarray or list of ndarray if ``append == False``. Otherwise, return target surface with the new arrays. Notes ----- This function is meant for the same source and target surfaces but with different number of points. For other types of resampling, see vtkResampleWithDataSet. """ opt = ['mean', 'mode', 'weighted_mean', 'weighted_mode'] if n_jobs != 1: warnings.warn('The n_jobs parameter is deprecated and will be removed ' 'in a future version', DeprecationWarning) is_list = True if not isinstance(data, list): data = [data] is_list = False if isinstance(red_func, str): red_func = [red_func] * len(data) if isinstance(source_mask, str): source_mask = source.PointData[source_mask] if isinstance(target_mask, str): target_mask = source.PointData[target_mask] if not is_sphere: use_weights = False if k > 1 and np.isin(red_func, opt[2:]).any(): use_weights = True pids = _get_pids_naive(source, target, k=k, source_mask=source_mask, target_mask=target_mask, return_weights=use_weights) if use_weights: pids, w = pids else: pids, w = _get_pids_sphere(source, target, source_mask=source_mask, target_mask=target_mask) k = None for i, rf in enumerate(red_func): if rf in ['mean', 'mode']: red_func[i] = 'weighted_%s' % rf resampled = [None] * len(data) for i, d in enumerate(data): if isinstance(d, str): d = source.PointData[d] if source_mask is not None: d = d[source_mask] if k == 1: feat = d[pids] elif red_func[i] == 'mean': feat = np.nanmean(d[pids], axis=1) elif red_func[i] == 'weighted_mean': feat = np.average(d[pids], weights=w, axis=1) elif red_func[i] == 'mode': feat = mode(d[pids], axis=1)[0].squeeze() elif red_func[i] == 'weighted_mode': feat = weighted_mode(d[pids], w, axis=1)[0].squeeze() feat = feat.astype(d.dtype) else: raise ValueError('Unknown red_func: {0}'.format(red_func[i])) if target_mask is not None: feat = map_to_mask(feat, mask=target_mask, axis=1, fill=fill) resampled[i] = feat if append and key is not None: for i, feat in enumerate(resampled): target.append_array(feat, name=key[i], at='p') return resampled if is_list else resampled[0]