Source code for brainspace.gradient.utils

Utility functions for affinity/similarity matrices.

# Author: Oualid Benkarim <>
# License: BSD 3 clause

import numpy as np
from scipy import sparse as ssp

[docs]def is_symmetric(x, tol=1E-10): """Check if input is symmetric. Parameters ---------- x : 2D ndarray or sparse matrix Input data. tol : float, optional Maximum allowed tolerance for equivalence. Default is 1e-10. Returns ------- is_symm : bool True if `x` is symmetric. False, otherwise. Raises ------ ValueError If `x` is not square. """ if x.ndim != 2 or x.shape[0] != x.shape[1]: raise ValueError('Array is not square.') if ssp.issparse(x): if x.format not in ['csr', 'csc', 'coo']: x = x.tocoo(copy=False) dif = x - x.T return np.all(np.abs( < tol) return np.allclose(x, x.T, atol=tol)
[docs]def make_symmetric(x, check=True, tol=1E-10, copy=True, sparse_format=None): """Make array symmetric. Parameters ---------- x : 2D ndarray or sparse matrix Input data. check : bool, optional If True, check if already symmetry first. Default is True. tol : float, optional Maximum allowed tolerance for equivalence. Default is 1e-10. copy : bool, optional If True, return a copy. Otherwise, work on `x`. If already symmetric, returns original array. sparse_format : {'coo', 'csr', 'csc', ...}, optional Format of output symmetric matrix. Only used if `x` is sparse. Default is None, uses original format. Returns ------- sym : 2D ndarray or sparse matrix. Symmetrized version of `x`. Return `x` it is already symmetric. Raises ------ ValueError If `x` is not square. """ if not check or not is_symmetric(x, tol=tol): if copy: xs = .5 * (x + x.T) if ssp.issparse(x): if sparse_format is None: sparse_format = x.format conversion = 'to' + sparse_format return getattr(xs, conversion)(copy=False) return xs else: x += x.T if ssp.issparse(x): *= .5 else: x *= .5 return x
def _dominant_set_sparse(s, k, is_thresh=False, norm=False): """Compute dominant set for a sparse matrix.""" if is_thresh: mask = s > k idx, data = np.where(mask), s[mask] s = ssp.coo_matrix((data, idx), shape=s.shape) else: # keep top k nr, nc = s.shape idx = np.argpartition(s, nc - k, axis=1) col = idx[:, -k:].ravel() # idx largest row = np.broadcast_to(np.arange(nr)[:, None], (nr, k)).ravel() data = s[row, col].ravel() s = ssp.coo_matrix((data, (row, col)), shape=s.shape) if norm: /= s.sum(axis=1).A1[s.row] return s.tocsr(copy=False) def _dominant_set_dense(s, k, is_thresh=False, norm=False, copy=True): """Compute dominant set for a dense matrix.""" if is_thresh: s = s.copy() if copy else s s[s <= k] = 0 else: # keep top k nr, nc = s.shape idx = np.argpartition(s, nc - k, axis=1) row = np.arange(nr)[:, None] if copy: col = idx[:, -k:] # idx largest data = s[row, col] s = np.zeros_like(s) s[row, col] = data else: col = idx[:, :-k] # idx smallest s[row, col] = 0 if norm: s /= np.nansum(s, axis=1, keepdims=True) return s
[docs]def dominant_set(s, k, is_thresh=False, norm=False, copy=True, as_sparse=True): """Keep the largest elements for each row. Zero-out the rest. Parameters ---------- s : 2D ndarray Similarity/affinity matrix. k : int or float If int, keep top `k` elements for each row. If float, keep top `100*k` percent of elements. When float, must be in range (0, 1). is_thresh : bool, optional If True, `k` is used as threshold. Keep elements greater than `k`. Default is False. norm : bool, optional If True, normalize rows. Default is False. copy : bool, optional If True, make a copy of the input array. Otherwise, work on original array. Default is True. as_sparse : bool, optional If True, return a sparse matrix. Otherwise, return the same type of the input array. Default is True. Returns ------- output : 2D ndarray or sparse matrix Dominant set. """ if not is_thresh: nr, nc = s.shape if isinstance(k, float): if not 0 < k < 1: raise ValueError('When \'k\' is float, it must be 0<k<1.') k = int(nc * k) if k <= 0: raise ValueError('Cannot select 0 elements.') if as_sparse: return _dominant_set_sparse(s, k, is_thresh=is_thresh, norm=norm) return _dominant_set_dense(s, k, is_thresh=is_thresh, norm=norm, copy=copy)
def ravel_symmetric(x, with_diagonal=False): """Return the flattened upper triangular part of a symmetric matrix. Parameters ---------- x : 2D ndarray or sparse matrix, shape=(n, n) Input array. with_diagonal : bool, optional If True, also return diagonal elements. Default is False. Returns ------- output : 1D ndarray, shape (n_feat,) The flattened upper triangular part of `x`. If with_diagonal is True, ``n_feat = n * (n + 1) / 2`` and ``n_feat = n * (n - 1) / 2`` otherwise. """ n = x.shape[0] k = 0 if with_diagonal else -1 mask_lt = np.tri(n, k=k, dtype=np.bool) if ssp.issparse(x) and not ssp.isspmatrix_csc(x): x = x.tocsc(copy=False) return x[mask_lt.T] def unravel_symmetric(x, size, as_sparse=False, part='both', fmt='csr'): """Build symmetric matrix from array with upper triangular elements. Parameters ---------- x : 1D ndarray Input data with elements to go in the upper triangular part. size : int Number of rows/columns of matrix. as_sparse : bool, optional Return a sparse matrix. Default is False. part: {'both', 'upper', 'lower'}, optional Build matrix with elements if both or just on triangular part. Default is both. fmt: str, optional Format of sparse matrix. Only used if ``as_sparse=True``. Default is 'csr'. Returns ------- sym : 2D ndarray or sparse matrix, shape = (size, size) Array with the lower/upper or both (symmetric) triangular parts built from `x`. """ k = 1 if (size * (size + 1) // 2) == x.size: k = 0 elif (size * (size - 1) // 2) != x.size: raise ValueError('Cannot unravel data. Wrong size.') shape = (size, size) if as_sparse: mask = x != 0 x = x[mask] idx = np.triu_indices(size, k=k) idx = [idx1[mask] for idx1 in idx] if part == 'lower': idx = idx[::-1] elif part == 'both': idx = np.concatenate(idx), np.concatenate(idx[::-1]) x = np.tile(x, 2) xs = ssp.coo_matrix((x, idx), shape=shape) if fmt != 'coo': xs = xs.asformat(fmt, copy=False) else: mask_lt = np.tri(size, k=-k, dtype=np.bool) xs = np.zeros(shape, dtype=x.dtype) xs[mask_lt.T] = x if part == 'both': xs.T[mask_lt.T] = x elif part == 'lower': xs = xs.T return xs