Source code for brainspace.gradient.gradient

import numpy as np

from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator

from .alignment import ProcrustesAlignment
from .kernels import compute_affinity
from .embedding import PCAMaps, LaplacianEigenmaps, DiffusionMaps

def _fit_one(x, app, kernel, n_components, random_state, gamma=None,
             sparsity=0.9, **kwargs):
    """Compute gradients of `x`.

    x : ndarray, shape = (n_samples, n_feat)
        Input matrix.
    app : {'dm', 'le', 'pca'} or object
        Embedding approach. If object. it can be an instance of PCAMaps,
        LaplacianEigenmaps or DiffusionMaps.
    kernel : {'pearson', 'spearman', 'cosine', 'normalized_angle', 'gaussian'}
        or None, optional.
        Kernel function to build the affinity matrix.
    n_components : int
        Number of components.
    random_state : int or None, optional
        Random state. Default is None.
    gamma : float or None, optional
        Inverse kernel width. Only used if ``kernel`` == 'gaussian'.
        If None, ``gamma=1/n_feat``. Default is None.
    sparsity : float, optional
        Proportion of the smallest elements to zero-out for each row.
        Default is 0.9.
    kwargs : kwds, optional
        Additional keyword parameters passed to the embedding approach.

    lambdas_ : ndarray, shape (n_components,)
    gradients_ : ndarray, shape (n_samples, n_components)
        Gradients (i.e., eigenvectors).

    a = compute_affinity(x, kernel=kernel, sparsity=sparsity, gamma=gamma)

    if np.isnan(a).any() or np.isinf(a).any():
        raise ValueError('Affinity matrix contains NaN or Inf values. Common '
                         'causes of this include NaNs/Infs or rows of zeros '
                         'in the input matrix.')

    kwds_emb = {'n_components': n_components, 'random_state': random_state}

    if isinstance(app, str):
        if app == 'pca':
            app = PCAMaps(**kwds_emb)
        elif app == 'le':
            app = LaplacianEigenmaps(**kwds_emb)
            app = DiffusionMaps(**kwds_emb)
    return app.lambdas_, app.maps_

[docs]class GradientMaps(BaseEstimator): """Gradient maps. Parameters ---------- n_components : int, optional Number of gradients. Default is 10. approach : {'dm', 'le', 'pca'} or object, optional Embedding approach. Default is 'dm'. It can be a string or instance: - 'dm' or :class:`.DiffusionMaps`: embedding using diffusion maps. - 'le' or :class:`.LaplacianEigenmaps`: embedding using Laplacian eigenmaps. - 'pca' or :class:`.PCAMaps`: embedding using PCA. kernel : str, callable or None, optional Kernel function to build the affinity matrix. Possible options: {'pearson', 'spearman', 'cosine', 'normalized_angle', 'gaussian'}. If callable, must receive a 2D array and return a 2D square array. If None, use input matrix. Default is None. alignment : {'procrustes', 'joint'}, object or None Alignment approach. Only used when two or more datasets are provided. If None, no alignment is performed. If `object`, it accepts an instance of :class:`.ProcrustesAlignment`. Default is None. - If 'procrustes', datasets are aligned using generalized procrustes analysis. - If 'joint', datasets are embedded simultaneously based on a joint affinity matrix built from the individual datasets. This option is only available for 'dm' and 'le' approaches. random_state : int or None, optional Random state. Default is None. Attributes ---------- lambdas_ : ndarray or list of arrays, shape = (n_components,) Eigenvalues for each datatset. gradients_ : ndarray or list of arrays, shape = (n_samples, n_components) Gradients (i.e., eigenvectors). aligned_ : None or list of arrays, shape = (n_samples, n_components) Aligned gradients. None if ``alignment is None`` or only one dataset is used. """
[docs] def __init__(self, n_components=10, approach='dm', kernel=None, alignment=None, random_state=None): self.n_components = n_components self.approach = approach self.kernel = kernel self.alignment = alignment self.random_state = random_state self.gradients_ = None self.lambdas_ = None self.aligned_ = None
[docs] def fit(self, x, gamma=None, sparsity=0.9, n_iter=10, reference=None, **kwargs): """Compute gradients and alignment. Parameters ---------- x : ndarray or list of arrays, shape = (n_samples, n_feat) Input matrix or list of matrices. gamma : float or None, optional Inverse kernel width. Only used if ``kernel == 'gaussian'``. If None, ``gamma=1/n_feat``. Default is None. sparsity : float, optional Proportion of the smallest elements to zero-out for each row. Default is 0.9. n_iter : int, optional Number of iterations for procrustes alignment. Default is 10. reference : ndarray, shape = (n_samples, n_feat), optional Initial reference for procrustes alignments. Only used when ``alignment == 'procrustes'``. Default is None. kwargs : kwds, optional Additional keyword parameters passed to the embedding approach. Returns ------- self : object Returns self. """ align_single = False if self.alignment is not None and self.alignment != 'joint' and \ not isinstance(x, list) and reference is not None: x = [x] n_iter = 1 align_single = True if isinstance(x, np.ndarray): # or sp.issparse(x): self.lambdas_, self.gradients_ = \ _fit_one(x, self.approach, self.kernel, self.n_components, self.random_state, gamma=gamma, sparsity=sparsity, **kwargs) self.aligned_ = None return self # Multiple datasets n = len(x) lam, grad = [None] * n, [None] * n if self.alignment == 'joint': if n < 2: raise ValueError('Joint alignment requires >=2 datasets.'), gamma=gamma, sparsity=sparsity, **kwargs) s = np.cumsum([0] + [x1.shape[0] for x1 in x]) for i, x1 in enumerate(x): a, b = s[i], s[i+1] lam[i], grad[i] = self.lambdas_[a:b], self.gradients_[a:b] self.lambdas_ = lam self.aligned_ = self.gradients_ = grad else: for i, x1 in enumerate(x):, gamma=gamma, sparsity=sparsity, **kwargs) lam[i], grad[i] = self.lambdas_, self.gradients_ self.lambdas_, self.gradients_ = lam, grad if self.alignment == 'procrustes': pa = ProcrustesAlignment(n_iter=n_iter), reference=reference) self.aligned_ = pa.aligned_ elif isinstance(self.alignment, ProcrustesAlignment): self.alignment.set_params(n_iter=n_iter), reference=reference) self.aligned_ = self.alignment.aligned_ else: self.aligned_ = None if align_single: self.gradients_ = self.gradients_[0] self.lambdas_ = self.lambdas_[0] self.aligned_ = self.aligned_[0] return self